Showing posts with label ELA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ELA. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Back to School Read Alouds

Good morning world! Today I'm linking up again with The Teacher's Chair for another "Show us your...." linky party. First let me say, though, that I really enjoy reading her blog. If you haven't already, take a minute to check it out. She's got some really great ideas.

Here is today's theme.
A lot of upper elementary teachers don't read books aloud to their kids anymore {sad face!} Last year I taught 4th grade and got them hooked on read-alouds! They initially thought they were "too big/cool/old" to listen to picture books, but they grew to love them. Read-alouds, when used properly, serve an important purpose for any grade. There are a lot of rules and procedures that students learn during the first week of school, and picture books are a great way to reinforce these principles. Here are my go-to stories.
Can't wait to read these in a few weeks!!!!!

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday Made It

Happy Monday!
Today has been a very exciting/busy/productive day. Since summer vacation started I've been hoarding storing various things for my classroom in the trunk of my car. It was getting kinda packed so I decided to head on over to my room and drop some things off. A "quick trip to the school" turned into a 3 hour trip! (isn't that how it always is?) I popped into my principal's office and she told me some exciting news.....(cue the drumroll).....I will be moving from 4th to 2nd grade next year!! I cannot tell you how EXCITED I am about it! Of course as soon as she told me I started mapping out next year's curriculum. Any 2nd grade bloggers out there? I'd love to link up with you and share ideas! And yes, this does mean that I will have to move classrooms (AAAHHH!!) But it will be refreshing to organize and tidy-up :) I can't wait to post pictures of my new classroom!

So this brings me to my Monday Made It...

I created this ELA Cursive Alphabet Set under the assumption that I was going to be teaching 4th grade Reading, but I'm sure it will come in handy for you wonderful reading teachers out there. ;)

I have a print and cursive (thanks for the suggestion!) version for sale at my TpT store. It's only $1 so check it out! My next project will be to create one that is more "2nd grade friendly" for my new kiddos. I'll share that soon. Make sure you head on over to Fourth Grade Frolics and check out some other great Monday Made Its :)
Well I'm off to prepare for Bible Study this evening. I only had 2 days to read about 15 pages...yikes!

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