Showing posts with label Classroom Library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Classroom Library. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Made It and a New Link

Many of you that I follow are going back to school next week, and I just have to ask....What's up with THAT!? I still have 3 1/2 more weeks people. That's 3 1/2 more weeks of crafting, procrastinating, and just being plain lazy. Ok, I'd be lying if I said that I enjoy being lazy for that long. I'm actually looking forward to school starting so I can get back into a solid routine. I loove summer, but I'm ready for some hustle & bustle. 

Alright, time to link up with Fourth Grade Frolics for some Monday Made Its.
Library Helper Book Bags
Next year I am implementing a new classroom job: Library Helpers. I had one of these last year, but their only purpose was to keep our classroom library organized & clean. Confession: I was NOT always a good role model for proper library etiquette. There were many times when we were rushing out the door and I would throw place a book in some random basket to save time. But this year will be different! I read The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller this summer and have a completely different perspective on my classroom library.

Our Library Helpers will have an important job. Not only will they keep our classroom library organized, they will also be responsible for taking everybody's books to the library during Specials on Thursday. Instead of wasting time for the kids to get out their library books on Thursday {which is usually panic mode for a few because they can't find them in their black hole of a desk}, the kids will drop off their books Thursday mornings in these books bags. 
And the library helpers will carry them to the library :) I got these bags for $1 each at Michaels and dressed them up with some leftover ribbon from my small group bins
Monster Themed Daily 5 Posters
Here's a freebie for all you monster lovers out there. It's a pack of Daily 5 posters for your room. There are two types in here, depending on what system you use: full-size posters for a clipchart and smaller cards for a rotation board. Click the picture to download.
I'm also linking up with The Teacher's Chair today for something new :)
Today's theme is lesson planners. This is actually the first product I ever made for my TpT store! Since then I've completed another planner, so I'm attaching both of them. The first is a gray/pink chevron theme and the second is rainbow/bright colors. Click the pictures to download a preview and/or purchase at my TpT store.
Make sure you check out both blogs for some last minute inspiration. Enjoy the rest of your week!

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